Projects《發現之地》Locusdance《在場》 Possibility of Presence (Work in progress)dance, new media, solo performance速寫系列1《近他方,在見與不見的地理》Sketch Series 1|The Near Elsewhere, in the Geography of Seeing and Not Seeingdance, Objects, outdoor performance發現當代舞蹈 @工作坊+講座+演出欣賞|臺中國家歌劇院主辦education, lecture, research, workshopOPEN JAM | 2023最後一個下午,我們一起跳舞!dance, event, jam表演藝術網絡在台中 – APP Camp 2023泰國工作營分享會 X PANDA藝起吧Exchange, lecture, network《歡迎來到我的練舞場》Welcome to My Dance Floorlecture performance受保護的內容: 硬派舞蹈節 2026 Impact Movement Arts Festivalcuration, dance, festival, movement受保護的內容: 《舞蹈方程式》Dance equationeducation, lecture, research, workshop《艾拉 – 第一次造訪》Ayla -The First Visit (2022)dance, non-language narrative, site-specific performance《WOW挖藝術》幕後咖啡館 Podcastmanagement, marketing, podcast, production2022 好青!藝術創造計畫— 基地學— 專題講座artist, atelier, creator2022 好青!藝術創造計畫— 基地學— 創作者自述工作坊artist, atelier, creator2022 好青!藝術創造計畫—「創作進駐」artist, creator, open call, residency