王柏偉 Po-Wei WANG

王柏偉 Po-Wei WANG

藝評人 Art critic

王柏偉,數位藝術基金會藝術總監,曾任北美館助理研究員。主要研究領域為媒介理論、當代藝術史、文化與藝術社會學、藝術/科學/科技(AST)。與人合譯有Niklas Luhmann所著《愛情作為激情:論親密性的符碼化》(台北:五南)。

Po-Wei Wang
Art critic

Po-Wei Wang is the artistic director of Digital Art Foundation, Taiwan. His research interests include Media Theory, History of Contemporary Art, Sociology of Culture and Art, and Art/Science/Technology (AST). Translated Niklas Luhmann´s Liebe als Passion: Zur Codierung von Intimität into Chinese together with Chin-Hui Chang.

Photo by Ars Association