張欣怡 Gwen Hsin-Yi CHANG

張欣怡 Gwen Hsin-Yi CHANG

AxE Arts Europa 獨立藝術工作者


2017-2021年於衛武營國家藝術文化中心服務,擔任國際事務組長,專司機構策略合作、舞蹈與馬戲節目規劃、國內外駐地藝術家交流培育等,並策劃臺灣舞蹈平台和衛武營馬戲平台。旅德期間,曾創立AxE Arts Management,與臺灣駐外文化事務單位及團隊合作,推動臺灣表演藝術品牌之能見度,如英國愛丁堡藝穗節臺灣季、法國外亞維農藝術節、歐洲文化之都等多個藝術節及知名場館。

Gwen Hsin-Yi CHANG
AxE Arts Europa (LU/TW)

Acting as a bridge between Europe and Asia, Gwen is a Luxembourg-based international producer and arts manager and with over 15 years experience supporting Taiwanese and European dance artists and organizations to realize their international projects. As Head of International Partnerships at National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) in 2017-2021, she led the dance & circus production team under the direction of Artistic Director, and as curator produced Taiwan Dance Platform and Weiwuying Circus Platform. She is Aerowaves Exchange Partner and core member of CAN-Circus Asia Network. 

Photo by Ars Association